Tingalvaro Anne Magge Kodel / Navy Beans and Yellow Cucumber Curry

Well, this is a traditional Konkani curry which we call it as kodel. This curry can be prepared with any kind of pulses especially Horse gram  kidney bean, Navy Bean and Black eyed peas. Along with pulses one can add either potato, yellow / Mangalore cucumber,yam or bamboo to enhance the taste. When i was in India i was not liking yellow cucumber very much. But after moving to Singapore i have started to like it as we rarely get it here. I guess, we get to know the importance of some thing when we don't have it with us anymore.

NOTE : Number of chilies depend on how spicy they are. I am using 12 as mine are not very spicy

Time Taken : 35 Minutes

Yield : 4-5 servings

Tingalvaro Anne Magge Kodel / Navy Beans and Yellow Cucumber Curry


To be grinded  :
Red Chillies12 nos
Tamarind / Imali                            1 Inch
Coconut1/2 Cup
Salt as needed 

Seasoning :
Coconut Oil / Normal Oil2-3 tblsp
Garlic / Lasun6-7 Cloves

Others :
Navy Bean / Tingalvaro1/2 Cup
Yellow Cucumber/ Magge.1 Small in size
Salt as needed
Asafoetida1/2 tsp

Soak Navy Bean over night so as to take less time to boil. 

Method :

     1. Wash the over night soaked Navy Bean.In a Cooker, add navy bean, 2 cups of water and little asafoetida as shown in the picture. Wait for 2 whistles

  2. While waiting for the whistle cut yellow cucumber as shown in the picture by removing its seeds.

     3.  On 2 whistles, check if navy bean is boiled by just sqeezing a navy bean. If boiled, add yellow cucumber to it as show in picture and wait for 1 whistle by keeping on high flame else cook until it is boiled.

     4. Meanwhile, dry roast the red chilies as shown in the picture until they turn brown.

     5. Make the paste of above mentioned ingredients using this dry roasted red chilies.

     6. Make a fine paste by adding little water as shown in the picture

     7. On a whistle, open the cooker once it cools. Add the paste into it and allow it to boil.

     8.When it is boiling. Take a spatula with coconut oil or normal oil in it along with the garlic cloves for seasoning as shown in the picture. Allow it to fry until garlic cloves turn into brown color.

     9. When the curry boils add the seasoning into it and switch off the gas.

     10. Now the kodel is ready to be served.



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